Is Organic Fertilizer Better than Synthetic Fertilizer? 

When you go to the grocery store to buy meat or produce, the organic options always seem to cost more. So when we see products marked “organic,” we tend to think they’re better than non-organic. Is the same true for fertilizers? 

Are organic fertilizers better for your lawn than synthetic fertilizers? 

What’s the difference between organic and synthetic fertilizers? 

Before we weigh in on this debate—and this is a debated topic—let's look at the differences between organic and synthetic fertilizers. 

For a fertilizer to be organic, also referred to as “natural,” its contents should consist of plant-derived, animal-derived, mineral-derived, and microorganism materials. That includes ingredients like alfalfa, cottonseed meal, and seaweed; bone and blood meal and manure; heat-dried microbes; and green sand and rock phosphate. 

Synthetic fertilizers are composed of inorganic compounds—usually by-products of the petroleum industry—that have been chemically engineered to deliver nutrients to plants quickly. 

How do organic and synthetic fertilizers work? 

Organic and synthetic fertilizers work differently. Synthetic fertilizer is designed to be highly-soluble, so it can be absorbed by your lawn quickly. Organic fertilizer has not been chemically treated for quick-release, so it takes longer to break down and become absorbable.   


Faster absorption may sound like a great feature—and it can be—but it also means your lawn or plants can easily absorb too much of the chemicals too fast, which can burn and kill your lawn. 

The longer release time of the organic fertilizer is actually not such a bad thing. While it won’t start working instantly, it will stick around in your soil longer than synthetic fertilizer, which can leach from your soil more quickly. 

In that sense, when you use synthetic fertilizer, you could be washing away a portion of the fertilizer you put down. When the chemicals from the fertilizer leach into the surrounding environment and waterways, they can have negative effects on plant- and animal life, as well as our drinking water.   

Is organic fertilizer better than synthetic fertilizer? 

There is no clear-cut, absolute answer to this question. It really depends on what your lawn needs. 

If your lawn is in immediate need of nutrients, then quick-release synthetic fertilizer is going to be your best bet. However, you now know that synthetic fertilizers can burn your lawn and leach out into the surrounding environment. With that in mind, always carefully follow the directions on whichever fertilizer you choose. 


If your lawn is not in immediate need of nutrients, then organic fertilizer could be a great solution. Organic fertilizer will help to improve your soil texture and fertility, and it won’t wash away as quickly as synthetic fertilizer. Another plus to using organic fertilizer is that it’s not as harmful to the environment. 

There’s something to be said for using the right fertilizer at the right time of year and in the right ratio. If you want to make sure your lawn is getting all the nutrients it needs to flourish, contact us today to request a quote. 

If you’d like to read more of our lawn tips, check out our blog! It’s full of tips and tricks that will help you care for your lawn like a pro! 

Advanced Quality Lawn

Advanced Quality Lawn is a locally owned and operated lawn care company that is dedicated to helping our clients grow and maintain phenomenal landscapes. We use only the finest lawn care applications and the latest technology. All of our services are innovative and have been proven effective.


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