Fertilizer 101: What Is It and When Should You Use It?

It is almost summertime, and that means it’s time to step up your lawn care game… You don’t want your neighbors and friends thinking that you don’t have a nice yard! Make it look good and put it to good use! Your lawn being cut, clean, and fresh is crucial for the beautiful summer season.

Why Use Fertilizer?

Not everyone knows or understands the benefits that fertilizer can have for their yard. It is more than just making sure your grass looks good, it is important that it is healthy as well. Fertilizer has many benefits that can vary among the different types. The main benefit is that it helps strengthen the roots of your grass, which helps it to absorb water more quickly than grass with unhealthy roots. Not only does it help with water absorption and healthy roots, but fertilizer can also prevent weeds, provide resistance against pests/diseases, and protect the soil. All of these things can improve your lawn's overall health and growth. 

Different Types of Fertilizer

Fertilizers can come in a variety of forms. There are liquid, powder, and granular types which are used in different conditions. The liquid is generally diluted with water and spread in the form of a hose-like mist, powdered fertilizer is spread by hand with water sprayed overtop for it to become active, and lastly, granular can be spread by hand and can easily sit on the topsoil and will soak into the ground. Not only does fertilizer come in different forms, but there are also a variety of types to help in different ways with your yard. For example, phosphate fertilizer helps with plant growth, potassium fertilizer helps with plants' root strength, and inorganic vs organic fertilizers vary in terms of whether they contain chemicals or organic materials.

When to Fertilize

Depending on the type of fertilizer, the frequency at which you should apply it can change. If you do it too often, it can cause lawn burn and excessive grass growth. It can even pollute any water runoff that happens from the yard, causing toxic algae to grow. This can be quite harmful to your yard and the environment. If you apply a slow-release fertilizer every six to eight weeks, your yard should be okay, but if you are worried about which fertilizers to apply when, you can always contact us for help!

Find the best fit fertilizer for your lawn! There are so many different types and purposes that you can always find one to help a specific need you have… Here at Advanced Quality Lawn, we want to make sure your lawn looks amazing all throughout the summer season! Keep your grass clean and green!

Advanced Quality Lawn

Advanced Quality Lawn is a locally owned and operated lawn care company that is dedicated to helping our clients grow and maintain phenomenal landscapes. We use only the finest lawn care applications and the latest technology. All of our services are innovative and have been proven effective.


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