How a Regulated Fertilizer Program will Keep Your Lawn Looking Great All Season

Fertilizing your lawn is important to promote healthy grassroots which leads to luscious and bright green lawns. You can also invest in pest control that won’t damage your grass, but if you have a healthy lawn, the thickness will allow it to be more resilient to bugs and pests. Here is how a regulated fertilizer program can keep your lawn lush from spring to fall: 

Trees and Grass During Spring

Early Spring

The first part of the program starts in early spring. With this session, you will need to focus on crabgrass prevention, fertilization, and weed control. Once the temperature starts to rise, it's time to bring out the fertilizer! 

Late Spring

Next, you will need to repeat the crabgrass preventative, fertilizer, and weed control step at the end of spring to ensure that your grassroots are strong and ready for the summer. 

Field During Summer

Early Summer

Next, you will need to fertilize your lawn again and continue to weed control. By summer, if you have done both crabgrass prevention treatments, you should not have to do it anymore. 

Late Summer

By late summer, you may be thinking you are in the clear and no longer need to keep up with your treatments but it is extremely important that you keep fertilizing and using weed control! With Ohio’s crazy weather, you never know how long summer will last.

Fall Leaves on Ground


Now it's finally Fall and you are mowing the lawn less and less as you anticipate the first deep freeze of the season. Late fall should be the last time of the season you fertilize your lawn so you can prep it for the winter. 

With the wild weather of Northeast Ohio, you need to find local professionals to ensure your grassroots and lawn stay healthy during the highs and lows of NEO spring. Check out the best lawn care businesses near you to get your lawn in check today!


Fertilizer 101: What Is It and When Should You Use It?


How to Make Your Lawn Look Great for Spring