How to Keep your Lawn Healthy in Cold Ohio Weather

Even though we had our first snowfall this year, it’s always important to remember to care for your lawn during the winter months. There are some preventative things that you can do to make sure that your lawn will be green and lush when springtime comes. You will have your lawn ready for spring in no time. 


When it rains, the soil under your grass can get compacted and due to heavy foot traffic or heavy use of machinery. Not allowing your soil to aerate can cause your soil to dry out or lead to poor uptake of nutrients. The soil should be perforated with small holes to allow air, water, and other nutrients so that your grass can be strong and healthy.

Weeding Your Lawn in the Winter Months

Oftentimes weeds start to appear after the first few rains or snows. Right now is the perfect time to remove weeds from your grass. If your grass is suffering from many weeds, you can also use a weed killer on your grass. Both methods will help your grass to stay healthy and grow strong for the spring season.

Fertilize Your Lawn

Fertilizing your lawn is an important way to continue to stock your lawn full of nutrients. For the long winter season. Fertilizing also ensures that there will be strong rooting and growth for spring. The best time to plant your lawn is the very end of the fall season when your grass stops growing. By doing this, the roots of your grass will grow until the ground eventually freezes. By springtime, your grass will be able to hit the ground running.

Mow Your Lawn for Right Before Winter

Your lawn grass should be shorter in the winter. Keeping your grass short to prohibit rodent or pests infestation. Your grass should be about 2 to 2 ½ inches long. By keeping your grass at that length, it will not mold or stress about cold weather. As you cut your lawn for winter, make sure not to cut too much grass at one time.

If you would like to learn more about taking care of your lawn, check out our website or contact us.

Advanced Quality Lawn

Advanced Quality Lawn is a locally owned and operated lawn care company that is dedicated to helping our clients grow and maintain phenomenal landscapes. We use only the finest lawn care applications and the latest technology. All of our services are innovative and have been proven effective.


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