How to Make Your Lawn Look Great for Spring

Spring is the perfect time to start spending more time outside enjoying your yard, but before you can do that, it’s important to make sure your lawn is in the best shape possible! Here are a few tips for getting your lawn looking great for spring:

Remove Weeds and Winter Debris

It’s important to begin your spring by cleaning up the mess that’s been left behind by the winter season. It is also key to remove any weeds that have made it through the winter from last season. This includes removing twigs, branches, and dead leaves. It is also important to wait until your lawn is dry to do so as trampling on your wet lawn can cause damage to tender grass shoots. 

Apply Fertilizer and/or Weed Killer

We find that it is best to use a light feeding of fertilizer and weed killer in the spring and a heavier one in the fall. Using a heavier option in the spring can cause disease and weed problems early on. 

Apply Pre-Emergent Herbicides

Pre-Emergent Herbicides address weeds before their seedlings can even emerge. They form a chemical barrier in the top layer of soil that coats seeds and prevents them from growing roots. 

Mow Often

Mowing often ensures a thick, full lawn that grows in by the summertime. It is key to keep your lawn at a good length (we recommend between 2 ½ and 3 inches long) to ensure you aren’t cutting too short, causing stunted growth and dull color. 

Only Suggested on an As-Needed Basis

The following options are only suggested if the lawn is in dire need of these specific treatments:


Aerating creates openings in lawn turf that allows water and air to penetrate the solid and reach the grassroots. This is not always ideal, as this causes the perfect spot for weed seeds to germinate. You should only aerate your lawn if you have issues such as puddles or worn, dead areas patches of grass forming.


If you decide to reseed, be sure to apply your grass seed to the whole lawn. This will ensure a thick and full lawn— reseeding just to the patch that’s missing can cause discoloration.

Advanced Quality Lawn

Advanced Quality Lawn is a locally owned and operated lawn care company that is dedicated to helping our clients grow and maintain phenomenal landscapes. We use only the finest lawn care applications and the latest technology. All of our services are innovative and have been proven effective.


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